Prof. Dr. Dominik
J. Bomans
Ruhr University Bochum
GAFO 03 / 973
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Tel.: +49 234 322 2335
Fax: +49 234 321 4169
My research areas are:
- Formation and evolution of dwarf galaxies
- Low surface brightness galaxies
- Diffuse warm and hot interstellar medium
- Galactic outflows and winds and the circumgalactic medium
- Starburst galaxies at intermediate and high redshift
- Magnetic fields in galaxies, their circumgalactic medium,
and the intergalactic medium
- Interstellar absorption lines of the warm and hot insterstellar,
circumgalactic, and intergalactic medium
- Interaction of massiv stars with the interstellar medium
- Massive stellar transients
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