13:30 Martin Haas, MPIA Heidelberg/AIRUB Bochum:
Optical and X-ray surveys
13:35 Klaus Meisenheimer, MPIA Heidelberg:
Quasar evolution from the COMBO-17 survey
13:50 Janine Heinmüller, AIP/Universität Potsdam:
Evolution of luminous quasars from the Hamburg-ESO-Survey
14:00 Helmut Meusinger, TLS Tautenburg:
Quasars from the variability and proper motion survey
14:10 Vincenzo Mainieri, MPE Garching:
Chandra Deep Field South: Photometric
redshifts & X-ray luminosity function
14:20 Pause
Section: Black holes and Jets
14:35 Peter Biermann, MPIfR Bonn:
Binary black holes
14:50 Ahmed Hujeirat, MPIA Heidelberg:
Formation and acceleration of quasar jets
15:00 Peter Strub, LSW Heidelberg:
High Energy Radiation Processes in AGN Jets
15:10 Max Camenzind, LSW Heidelberg:
Evolution of black holes
15:20 Heino Falcke, MPIfR Bonn:
Power unification of black holes
15:30 End of first session
Section: Unified schemes and Infrared
13:30 Urs Burch, ETH Zürich:
VLT-Spectropolarimetry of broad absorption line QSOs
13:40 Annette Adraou, AIRUB Bochum:
Spectral Energy Distributions of BL
Lacs and FSRQs
13:50 Ralf Siebenmorgen, ESO, Garching:
PAH and continuum emission in AGNs
seen by ISO & TIMMI2
14:00 Martin Haas, MPIA
Heidelberg/AIRUB Bochum:
Unification of radio galaxies and quasars: The ISO-IRAM view
14:10 Rolf Chini, AIRUB Bochum:
A new Mid-Infrared selected population
of quasars
14:20 Pause
14:35 Sven Müller, AIRUB Bochum:
Evolution of the Dust Emission of Palomar-Green quasars
Section: High redshift
14:45 Laura Pentericci, MPIA Heidelberg:
NIR photometry of high redshift SDSS quasars
14:05 Frank Bertoldi, MPIfR Bonn:
Dust and molecular emission from high-redshift quasars
15:05 Wolfram Freudling, ESO, Garching:
Iron Emission in z ~ 6 quasars
15:15 Final discussion and Conclusion
15:30 End of splinter meeting