Wilson, T.L., Hüttemeister, S., Dahmen, G., Henkel, C.
Three transitions of Methanol at 1cm Wavelenth
1993, Astronomy & Astrophysics 268, 249
Dahlem, M., Golla, G., Whiteoak, J.B., Wielebinski, R., Hüttemeister, S.,
Henkel, C.
The distribution of CO in NGC\,4945
1993, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 270, 29
Henkel, C., Mauersberger, R., Wiklind, T., Hüttemeister, S., Lemme, C.,
Millar T.L.
Dense gas in nearby galaxies VII. A large $^{12}$C$/^{13}$C ratio in a
nuclear starburst environment
1993, Astronomy & Astrophysics 268, L17
Hüttemeister, S., Wilson, T.L., Henkel, C., Mauersberger, R.
A multilevel study of ammonia in star forming regions
V. The Sgr\,B2 region
1993, Astronomy & Astrophysics 276, 445
Wilson, T.L., Henkel, C., Hüttemeister, S., Dahmen, G., Linhart, A.,
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Hot ammonia emission: kinetic temperature gradients in Orion-KL
1993, Astronomy & Astrophysics 276, L29
Hüttemeister, S., Wilson, T.L., Bania, T.M., Martin-Pintado, J.
Kinetic Temperatures in Galactic Center Molecular Clouds
1993, Astronomy & Astrophysics 280, 255
Hüttemeister, S., Wilson, T.L., Mauersberger, R., Lemme, C., Dahmen, G.,
Henkel, C.
A multilevel study of ammonia in star-forming regions VI. The envelope
of Sagittarius B2
1995, Astronomy & Astrophysics 294, 667
Hüttemeister, S., Henkel, C., Mauersberger, R., Brouillet, N., Wiklind,
T., Millar, T.J.
Dense gas in nearby galaxies VIII. A survey for extragalactic HNC
1995, Astronomy & Astrophysics 295, 571
Wilson, T.L., Zeng, Q., H\"uttemeister, S., Dahmen, G.
The $J_2 - J_1$\,E methanol transition for $J \geq 12$ in Orion\,Kl
1996, Astronomy and Astrophysics 307, 209
Hüttemeister, S., Mauersberger, R., Henkel, C.
Dense gas in nearby galaxies X.
H$_2$CO and CH$_3$OH: Molecular abundances and physical conditions
1997, Astronomy & Astrophysics 326, 59.
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Dahmen, G., Hüttemeister, S., Wilson, T.L., Mauersberger, R.,
Bronfman, L., Dame, T.M., Palmer, E.S., May. J., Aparici, J., et al.
Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center Region I: Data from a Large Scale
C$^{18}$O$(J=1-0)$ Survey
1997, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplements, 126, 197
Dahmen, G., Hüttemeister, S., Wilson, T.L., Mauersberger R.
Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center Region II:
Gas mass and {N}_{H_2}/I_{^{12}CO} conversion based on a
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1998, Astronomy & Astrophysics 331, 959. Get the gzipped
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Hüttemeister, S., Dahmen, G., Mauersberger, R., Henkel, C., Wilson, T.L.,
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Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center Region III:
Probing shocks in molecular cores
A&A, in press. Get the gzipped PS File!
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Aalto, S., Hüttemeister, S., Scoville, N.Z., Thaddeus P.
High Resolution Molecular Observation of M\,51 I: Spiral Structure
almost done, soon to be submitted to the Astrophysical Journal
Hüttemeister, S., Aalto, S., Scoville, N.Z., Thaddeus, P.
High Resolution Molecular Observation of M\,51 II: Cloud properties
To be submitted to ApJ
Hüttemeister, S., Aalto, S., Wall, W.F.
The detection of a gas rich bar in UGC\,2855
To be submitted to A&A
Aalto S., Hüttemeister, S. Wall, W.F., Das M.
The transient, young bar of NGC\,7479
To be submitted to A&A
Fischer, D., Hüttemeister, S.
Comet P/Halley: Visual Magnitude and Gas Production
1987, Symposium on the Diversity and Similarity of Cometrs, eds.: E.J.\ Rolfe,
B.\ Battrick, ESA-SP-278, p.\ 599
Whiteoak, J.B., Dahlem, M., Wielebinski, R., Hüttemeister, S., et al.
SEST CO studies of NGC 4945
1991, IAU Symposium 146, eds.: F.\ Combes \& F.\ Casoli; p.\ 164
Dahmen, G., Hüttemeister, S., Wilson, T.L., Mauersberger, R., Linhart, A.,
Bronfman, L., Dame, T.M., Tieftrunk, A.R., Meyer, K., Wiedenh\"over, K.,
Palmer, E.S., May. J., Aparici, J., Mac-Auliffe, F.
The Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center Region based on
C$^{18}$O Measurements
1996, ASP Conference Series 102, 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop on ``The
Galactic Center'', ed. R.\ Gredel
Hüttemeister S., Dahmen, G., Mauersberger, R., Wilson, T.L., Henkel, C.,
Mart\'{\i}n-Pintado, J.
Probing shocked molecular gas in the Galactic center region
AG Abstract Series, 1997, 14, 187
Hüttemeister, S., Aalto, S., Wall, W.F.
The detection of a gas-rich bar in the interacting galaxy UGC\,2855
1998, IAU Symposium 184, in press.
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Aalto, S., Hüttemeister S., Scoville, N.Z., Thaddeus, P.
A high resolution CO map of the inner egion of M\,51
1998, IAU Symposium 184, in press.
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Aalto, S., Hüttemeister S., Das, M., Wall, W.F.
Molecular cloud properties in the barred galaxy NGC\,7479
1998, IAU Symposium 184, in press.
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Wilson, T.L., Hüttemeister, S., Dahmen, G.
Molekülwolken in der Milchstrasse
1996, Die Sterne
Hüttemeister, S.
Surveys of molecular gas in the Galactic center region
1998, GCNews 7, 3