Homeport of Kerstin Weis

What are you looking at?
What are you looking through?
You can call it the universe,
but it is the infinity of space
and the infinity of time.

-Eugene Cernan, Astronaut-

Photo of the Space Shuttle taken from the German SPAS platform ( from NASA )

Kerstin Weis Bild

Priv-Doz. Dr. Kerstin Weis

Astronomisches Institut

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Universitätsstr. 150 

44780 Bochum


E-mail: kweis(at)astro.rub.de
Tel.: (+49) 234 3223462
Fax: (+49) 234 3214169
Room NA7/26



Circumstellar and interstellar bubbles, plus Planetary Nebulae 

Luminous Blue Variables, LBVs and LBVs

Morphology & Kinematics of LBV nebulae

Variabilities & instabilities of massive stars in particular LBVs 

Stellar evolution of massive stars, stellar populations

List of Publications (pdf-file, english)

ADS List of my publication

Kerstin Weis on Research Gate

Lecture / Vorlesung 


...rockets, satellites, space shuttles...




Space Shuttle Missions ...all 135  flights

ROSETTA ...the mission I worked for at esa

or find a satellite at night using  heavens above