2012_1 Totem Scroll (Pastellkreide / pastel chalk) für / for Livermore (about 4 m long)
2012_2 Schritt_2 (Holz) / Step_2 (wood)
Von rechts nach links / From right to left :
2012_3 Tänzelnd (Birke) / (Sort of) Dancing (birch)
2012_4 Kleinfigur Nasenlos (Birke) / Little no-nose figure (birch)
2012_5 Sägeprofil (Birke) / Attendant (birch)
2012_6 Birne (Birke) / Pear head (birch)
2012_7 Klein Oster (Birke) / Little Easter (birch)
2012_8 Brettkopf (Birke) / Plank head (birch)
2012_9 Die Macht des Wortes (Kalkstein, Papier) / The power of the word (limestone, paper)
2012_10 Verschränkt (Tuff) / Head and arms (tuff)
2012_11 Acht Gesichter und eine Kugel (Eiche) / Eight-faced column with a ball (oak) (Column II)
2012_12 Die Drei aus dem Rahmen (Kiefer) / Three of a frame (fir)
2012_13 Kleinfigur (Haselnuss) / Small figure (hazelnut)
(--> AKT, Edinburgh)
2012_14 Drei Blätter, drei Leute (Pappel) / Three leaves, three people (poplar)
2012_15 Held mit Wurmstich (Eiche) / Wormy hero (oak)
2012_16 Gesicht-Wandhänger (Eiche) / Trophy face (oak)
2012_17 Mann im Mantel (Eiche) / Man in a coat (oak)
From July, the MZ arts workshop users display pieces in the MZ foyer for the summer,
also commemorating the end of duty of the present section head, Heinrich H. Koch.
Based on a photo by Heidi Träbert, Elmar has designed the
commemorative poster.
2012_18 Gruß (Holz) / Greeting (wood)
2012_19 Vorderkopf (Eiche) / Front of head (Tommy H.) (oak)
2012_20 Hand am Hinterkopf (Holz) / Hand behind the head (wood)
2012_21 Aura-Kopf (Birne) / Head with aura (pear)
2012_22 Kleinholz-Figur (Holz) / Peg figure (wood)
After H H Koch's departure, the slightly reduced show runs on untitled.
2012_23 Open (Pflaume / plum)
2012_24 Ohrkopf (Birne) / Earhead (pear)
2012_25 Leser, unterbrochen (Pappel) / Reader, interrupted (poplar)
(2015 ==> Lutz D., Köln)
Unless noted otherwise, the ©opyright to all pictures shown here resides with E. Träbert
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Updated: 21 Dec 2012