2005_1 Fuzzy Head (willow)
2005_2 Compact Egghead (wood)
2005_3 Dritter grosser Kopf (w) / Third large head (f) (Ytong)
2005_4 Tropfenkopf / Drop head
2005_5 Kopffüssler / HeadFoot
2005_6 Trapez-Gargoyle / Trapezoidal gargoyle (Ytong)
2005_7 DreieckAug / TriangleEye (Ytong)
2005_8 Sägekopf / Sawed Head (Ytong)
(for years standing in front of B1925, 7000 East Ave, Livermore, CA, USA)
2005_9 Bas Relief Kopf (Weide) / Bas Relief Head (willow)
>br> (now with Mechthild J.)
2005_10 Hockender / Squatter
2005_11 Würfelbein / Leggy Cube (Ytong)
2005_12 Ytong man II
2005_13 Bohnenkopf / Nefertiti (Ytong) (--> David F., Livermore CA, USA)
2005_14 Kokoskopf ("Waigel") / Cocos Head (Ytong)
2005_15 Gargoyle 10/2005 (Ytong)
2005_16 Oster IV / Easter IV (Ytong)
2005_17 Hochkopf / Tall Head (Ytong)
(after years of standing at the LLNL B1925 cactus yard --> David F., Livermore CA, USA)
2005_18 Gargoyles 12/2005: Merkel, Pinocchio (Ytong)
(Pinocchio has moved to PB & JKL at 1118 Vienna St, Livermore, CA, USA)
2005_19 Kurzkopf / Short head (Ytong)
(after years standing at the LLNL B1925 cactus yard, moved to B481)
2005_20 Fisch / Fish (Ytong)
(left behind at 1807 Vancouver Way, Livermore, CA 94550, USA)
Participation in the MZ exhibition "Überblick" (Dec 2005 - Apr 2006) with Bean Head, Tall Head, and Leggy Cube
Unless noted otherwise, the ©opyright to all pictures shown here resides with E. Träbert
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Updated: 17 Apr 2006