Elmar Träbert


(Diplom-Physiker, Dr. rer. nat, Privatdozent, apl. Prof.)


Professional interests and activities:

A recent talk shows some examples and gives background information:
Talk at Mullard Space Science Laboratory and at Cambridge University (12/2006)

Much of the above has been done at the Bochum Dynamitron-Tandem Laboratorium (DTL, now part of RUBION ) with its superb facilities.
However, for some special work I have traveled to do

My association and address are with AIRUB, the Astronomy Institute at Ruhr-Universtät Bochum, by courtesy of Prof. Dr. R.-J. Dettmar. The institute is concerned with cosmology and galaxy evolution, a horizon much wider than my experience.

Astronomisches Institut (AIRUB) / GAFO 03/969
Postfach GA 93
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44780 Bochum

Tel.: +49 - (0)234 - 32 - 23451
Tel.: +49 - (0)234 - 9 78 90 70 (home);
Fax: +49 - (0)234 - 32 - 14169 (university)
E-Mail: traebert@astro.rub.de
WWW: http://people.astro.rub.de/traebert
(the Träbert homepage at AIRUB)


This way to

E. T. Personal references

Publication List

E.T. Art Work (There is life outside of physics, too!)
Family Art Work

Page updated on 30 Nov 2020