Elmar Träbert
Productions at "Musisches Zentrum der RUB" 2009

2009_1 Wildgans (Pflaume) / Wild goose (plum wood)

2009_2 Kugel am Abgrund (Pflaume) / Ball on edge (plum wood)

Participation in the MZ joint exhibition "As You Like It" at MZ, Jan - May 2009
with 3 wooden figures and a large backdrop photo

Zeitverlauf / Time line (=> Émile B.)

2009_3 Im Jahr des Ochsen (Pflaume) / In the year of the oxen (plum)

2009_4 Mann verdrillt (Pflaume) / Twisted man (plum)

2009_5 Nofretete (Pflaume) / Nefertiti (plum)

2009_6 Ballig (Pflaume) / Bally (plum)

2009_7 AugNas (Pflaume) / Eyenose (plum)

2009_8 KnieHoch (Flieder) / KneeUp (lilac tree)

2009_9 Kopf kubistisch (Pappel) / Cubist head (poplar)

2009_10 Schultern (Holz) / Shoulders (wood)

2009_11 Stein für Elly P (Kalksandstein) / Memorial stone for Elly P (limestone)

2009_12 Kopf kubistisch 2 (Pappel) / Cubist head 2 (poplar)

2009_13 Kopf kubistisch 3 (Pappel) / Cubist head 3 (poplar)

2009_14 Korbballer (Birke) / Basket ball player (birch)

2009_15 Tau (Eiche) / Tau (oak)

2009_16 Morschkopf (Birke mit Spaltpilz) / Rotten head (spalted birch)

2009_17 Doppelmaske (Birke mit Spaltpilz) / Double mask (spalted birch)

2009_18 KugelKeil "Koexistenz" (Eiche) / Ball wedge "Co-existence" (oak)

2009_19 Halmakegel (Eiche) / Game pin (oak)

2009_20 Semi (Eiche) / Semi (oak)

2009_21 Kleinfigur (Flieder) / Little figure (lilac)

2009_22 Mit links (Holz) / With the left (wood)

2009_23 Kleinkopf (Holz) / Small head (wood)

Unless noted otherwise, the ©opyright to all pictures shown here resides with E. Träbert

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Updated: 29 Dec 2009