Corona shutdown of activities that are deemed "not essential for studies" by the university continues since March 2020.
Fall of 2021: University resumes partial teaching face-to-face, but the MZ workshop remains shut
... and the next wave of Corona (Omicron) arrives and sweeps through. The former (fairly open) Workshop of the RUB Center for the arts apparently is to remain shut under present arts center leadership. Workshop access now is limited to course participants, and initially there is are no courses on woodworking/pottery/etc. The few courses there are take up to 12 people for sketching and the like only. Eventually a pottery course is added. The premises of the woodworking workshop stay off limits.
Versuche auf einer Bastelbank zu Hause / Trying on a DIY workbench at home
2023_1 Re-star(t) (ziemlich hartes Holz - Weißdorn?) / Re-star(t) (pretty hard wood - hawthorn?)
Ein Bildhauerbock aus dem Netz hilft weiter / A commercial sculptor's bench to the rescue! ... and aged leftovers of some wood treatment fluid (furniture polish?)
2023_2 HuMu_23a (Hasel / hazel)
2023_3 HuMu_23b (Hasel / hazel) HuMuline guckt nach links / looks left (=> HT)
Die Bastelbank bröckelt und biegt sich weg; Ersatz durch einen stabileren und schwereren Bildhauerbock /
The DIY workbench buckles and crumbles and needs to be replaced by a semi-serious heavy and sturdy sculptor's bench - much better
2023_4 HuMu_23c (Hasel / hazel) (=> HT)
2023_5 HuMu_23d (Eiche / oak) (==> UMQ)
2023_6 kleine Eichenbüste_23e (Eiche / oak) (==> UMQ)
2023_7 HuMu_23f (Kiefer / fir) (==> UMQ)
2023_8 HuMu_23g (Kiefer / fir) (==> UMQ)
2023_9 HuMu_23h Einseitiger Betrachter / One-eyed observer (Kiefer / fir)
(==> UMQ)
2023_10 HuMu_23i schief / Slanted smile (Kiefer / fir) (==> UMQ)
2023_11 Sehpfosten / Viewing post (Hasel / hazel)
2023_12 Hände in den Taschen / Hands in pockets (Hasel / hazel)
2023_13 Winkend / Waving (Holz / wood)
2023_14 Mit dem zweiten sieht man besser / Viewing is better with two eyes - Fem head (Roteiche / red oak)
2023_15 Weitblickwinkelpfahl/ Wide-angle viewing post (Holz / wood)
2023_16 Beobachtend / Observing (Holz / wood)
2023_17 Freistiltanz / Free-style dancer (Holz / wood)
2023_18 Schlankes Paar / Slim couple (Hasel / hazel)
2023_19 Braucht Luft / Panting (Hasel / hazel)
2023_20 Frau_23j / Camilla (Holz / wood)
2023_21 Kopf_23k / Head_23k (Holz / wood)
2023_22 Figur_23l / Figure (Holz / wood)
2023_23 Max Moritzsohn Holzkopf (Roteiche / red oak) (==> Uri R. K. (E))
2023_24_a,b Herr und Frau Scheibner waren mal Möbel / Mr. and Ms. Slicy have been furniture pieces (Holz / wood)
2023_25 Kopf_2023m / Head (Holz / wood)
2023_26 Kopf_2023n / Head (Stirnholz / wood)
2023_27 Frauenkopf_2023o / Female head (Holz / wood)
2023_28 noch'n Kopf _2023p / Yet another head (Holz / wood)
2023_29 Bulbo_2023q (Holz / wood)
(==> Elli (W))
2023_30 Squatto_2023r (Holz / wood)
2023_31 Naseler_2023s / Nosey (Holz / wood)
aka "Graf Stadion" (==> Hotel G S, Wien)
2023_32 Vielleser/Vierleser_2023t / Avid reader (4 your eyes only) (Holz / wood)
2023_33 Wankelkopf_2023u / Wankel head (Holz / wood)
(==> Karlheinz F. (BOT))
2023_34 Zweimaul_2023v / Twomouth (Holz / wood)
2023_35 Bollerknauf_2023w / Bulbic (Holz / wood)
2023_36 Doppelknubbelkopf_2023x / Double bulb bust (Holz / wood)
2023_37 Nuda_2023y / Nuda (Holz / wood)
2023_38 Naseler_2_2023z / Nosey_2 (Holz / wood)
2023_39 ZweiScheiben_2023za / TwoDisks (Holz / wood)
2023_40 Büste_2023zb / Bust (Holz / wood)
2023_41 Großkopfstück_2023zc / BigHead_part (Holz / wood)
2023_42 Kleiner Zylinderkopf_2023zd / SmallCylHead (Holz / wood)
2023_43 RohprofilKopf_2023ze / RawProfileHead (Holz / wood)
2023_44 Im_Umhang_2023zf / Cloaked (Zedernholz / cedar wood)
2023_45 Kopf_2023zg / Head (Eiche / oak)
2023_46 Büste verschränkt_2023zh / Bust folded arms (Birke / spalted birch)
2023_47 Figur verschränkt_2023zi / Figure with folded arms (Birke / spalted birch)
2023_48 Stammkopf_2023zj / Trunkhead (Buche / beech)
2023_49 Kopf_2023zk / Head (Buche / beech)
2023_50 Kopf_2023zl / Head (Buche / beech)
2023_51 MultiMessenger_2023zm (Haselnuss / hazel)
2023_52 Kleinkopf_2023zn / Small head (Haselnuss / hazel)
2023_53 Figur_2023zo / Figure (Haselnuss / hazel)
2023_54 Wolkenturm_2023zp / Cloud tower (Holz / wood)
2023_55 Kopfnase_2023zq / Headnose Charles (Holz / wood)
2024_1 Figur_mit_Ball_2024a / Figure_with_ball (Holz / wood)
2024_2 Paar_2024b / Pair (Holz / wood)
2024_3 FritZ_2024c (in Erinnerung an / commemorating Fritz Zwicky) (Holz / wood)
(==> Dominik B, Kerstin W. (BO))
2024_4 Frauenkopf_2024d / Woman's head (Holz / wood)
2024_5 Mitglied der Kopf unter dem Arm (KudA)_2024e / Member of the Chih tribe (Carry head in hand) (Buche / beech)
2024_6 Figur_2024f / Figure (Buche / beech)
2024_7 KopfArmBall_2024g / HeadArmBall
2024_8 Kniehoch_2024h / Knee up (Buche / beech)
2024_9 Kopf_2024i / Head (Pflaume / plum)
2024_10 FigurKnie_2024j / Figure/knee (Holz / wood) (zweimal den Kopf verloren / head lost twice)
2024_11 FigurKurve_2024k / figure curved (Holz / wood)
2024_12 HerrFrauBuche_2024l / The Beeches (Buche / beech)
2024_13 SlimFig_2024m (Ahorn / maple)
2024_14 LittleFig_2024n (Hasel / hazel)
2024_15 Kopf_2024o / Head (Buche / beech)
2024_16 Kopf_2024p / Head (Buche / beech)
2024_17 Kopf_2024q / Head (Ahorn / maple)
2024_18 Kopf_2024r / Head (Ahorn / maple)
2024_19 Halbfigur_2024s / Half figure (Ahorn / maple)
2024_20 Blick_2024t _I/ Sight_I (Ahorn / maple)
2024_21 Vogelblick_2024u / Birdface (Ahorn / maple)
2024_22 Blick_2024v_II / Sight_II (Ahorn / maple)
2024_23 Blick_2024w_III / Sight_III (Ahorn / maple) (==> Joel C.)
2024_24 Torso_2024x / Torso (Buche / beech)
2024_25 Blick_2024y_IV / Sight_IV (Ahorn / maple)
2024_26 Spitznas_2024z / Nose point (Ahorn / maple)
2024_27 Figur_2024aa / Figure (Hasel / hazel)
2024_28 Kopf_2024ab / Head (Hasel / hazel)
2024_29 Kopf_2024ac / Head (Hasel / hazel)
2024_30 Figur_2024ad / Figure (Holz / wood) (Hasel / hazel)
2024_31 Weiblober_2024ae / Female upper (Buche / beech)
2024_32 Weiblober_2024af / Female upper (Buche / beech)
2024_33 Spitznas_2024ag / Noise point (Kirsche / cherry)
2024_34 Fisch_2024ah / Fish (Ahorn / maple)
2024_35 Kopf_2024ai / Head (Holz / wood)
2024_36 Kleinkopf_2024aj / Headlet (Holz / wood)
2024_37 Kopf_2024ak "Politico" / Head (Holz / wood)
2024_38 Kopf_2024al / Head (Holz / wood)
2024_39 Kopf_2024am / Nosey head (Holz / wood) (==> D Behringer (BO))
2024_40 Kopf_2024an / Head (Holz / wood)
2024_41 Doppelkopf_2024ao / Doubleface Jana (complements Janus) / (Holz / wood)
2024_42 Kopf_2024ap / Head (Holz / wood)
2024_43 Figur stützt Nacken_2024aq / Figure grips head (Holz / wood)
2024_44 Kopfnas_2024ar / Nosy head (Holz / wood)
2024_45 Dunkelblick_2024as / Dark sight (Holz / wood)
2025_1 Rundkopf_2025a / Roundhead (Holz / wood)
2025_2 Schädel_2025b / Skull (Holz / wood)
Unless stated otherwise, the authorship rights to all figures and photos are with E. Träbert
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Updated: 9 Jan 2025