Elmar Träbert:
Holzarbeiten 2002 bis 2006 / Wood work 2002 to 2006

2002 - 2006


2002_3 Ausblick/Einblick (Seelendoktor, hinten rechts) (Kirsche) /
View outward/inward (shaman, right in the back) (cherry)

2002_4 Astfrikaner I,II (Kirsche) / African figures from cherry tree branches

2002_5 Kirschkaktus / Cactus from cherry ( --> Jaan & Peter)

2002_6 3 Phi-Form-Köpfe (Robinie) / 3 phi-form heads (robinia)

2002_7 Schichtholz-Makonde / Plywood makonde (elder staff from "zebra wood")

2002_8 Spinor (2) (Erle / alder)

2002_9 Afrikanische Figur mit Frisur (Erle) / African figure with hair style (alder)

2002_10 Geometrische Säule (Erle) / Geometrical column (alder) (--> P.H.H.)

2002_11 Halma elegant (Robinie) / Twisted game piece

2002_12 Kobra / Dame // Cobra / Tang Lady

2002_13 Dogon Presley

2002_14 Kugeltwist (Birke) / Ball twist (birch)

2002_15 Madame Caillebotte (Haselnuss / hazelnut) (--> Solange H., Strasbourg)

2002_16 Schlangenschlinge (Kirsche) / Snake noose (cherry)

2002_17 Kugeltwist II / Ball twist II

2002_18 Einaug / Twist eye
(Photos by H. Träbert 2003)

2002_19 Sängerkopf / Androgyn (Birne) / Androgyne (pear)

2002_20 "Brewster" (Photos by H. Träbert 2003)

2002_21 "Shakespeare" (Birne / pear)


2003_1 Südseefigur / South sea figure (Birne / pear), recycling a figure started by Inge S.; photo by H. Träbert 2003))

2003_2 5 kleine Figuren (Haselnuss aus dem eigenen Garten) / Five small figures (hazelnut)

2003_3 Salzlöffelmaske / Salt spoon mask
(Photos: H. Träbert 2003)

2003_5 Reiherkopf (Holz) / Heron's head (wood)

2003_6 Reservehände (klein) (Haselnussastknoten) / Set of spare helping hands (clearly a management tool) (small, knotted hazelnut branch) (now with Phil D'A)

2003_7 Kleiner Bogenkopf / Archy head (Photo by H. Träbert 2003)

2003_8 Eierkopf (Kiefer?) / Egghead / Brewster II (fir?)

2003_9 Vogelkopf (Haselnuss) / Bird head "Archibald Largely Bald" (hazelnut) (--> Jaan & Peter)
(H. Koch: "Slapstick-Kunst" ("slapstick art")

2003_10 Konvexkonkavkopf (Haselnuss) / Convex head on concave (hazelnut)

2003_11 Doppelzapfen, Feder, Einkopf, Doppelkopf (Haselnuss) / Various little pieces (hazelnut)

2003_12 Grosse Bogenkopffigur (Eiche) / Tall archy headed figure (oak) (Photo: H. Träbert 2003)

2003_13 Kleiner Balkener (Eiche) / Loggy African two-by-two (oak)

2003_14 Kleiner Astknotenkopf / Little branch knot head

2003_15 Hoher Eierkopf auf Schwung / Twister

2003_16 Nadelholzbalken-Bogenkontur / Bow-contured log (pine)

2003_17 Seemann (Ex-Osterinsulaner, wanderte aus) (Eiche) /
Sailor (Easter islander who walked away) (oak)

2003_18 African / Chinese icons (hazelnut, beech branches)

2003_19 Eierhalter (Haselnussastknoten) / Egg holder (knotted hazelnut branch)

2003_20 Wandbrett mit Brötchen und Rinne (Eiche) / Bread roll on groovy board (oak)

2003_21 Kreuzritterkopf / Crusader's head

2003_22 Kopf (Eiche) / Head (oak)

2003_23 Männerbüste (leicht römisch) (Werler Weide) / (somewhat Roman) Male Bust (willow from Werl)


2004_1 Eierkopf-Hakenfigur (Birke) / Egg-head hook-belly figure (birch)

2004_2 Tetraederkopf (Weide) / Tetrahedron head (willow)

2004_3 Frosch (Weide) / Frog (willow)

Schlüsselszene aus "Der Froschkönig" / Key scene from the fairytale "The Princess and the Frog"

2004_4 Die sprichwörtliche lockere Schraube (Birke) / The proverbial loose screw (birch)

2004_5 Stehender Sitzriese (Birke) / (slightly) Short-legged guy (birch)

2004_6 Eierkopf mit Kragen (Pflaume) / Egghead with a collar (plum)

2004_9 Bananenschädel (Pflaume) / Banana skull (plum)

2004_10 Kater Felix (Pflaume) / Felix the Cat (plum)

2004_11 Schrägkopf (Pflaume) / Slanthead (plum)

2004_12 Gesichter (Pappel) / Faces (poplar)

2004_13 Kubistischer Flieder (Flieder) / Cubist face (lilac)

2004_15 Kurvige Figur (Weide) / Curvy figure (willow)

2004_19 Due (Weide) / Two (willow)
(now with GVB & CH in San Leandro CA)


2005_2 Compact Egghead (wood)

2005_4 Tropfenkopf / Drop head (links im Bild / left in the picture)

Scratch head (rechts / right)
(has moved to Tucson, East 6th St, in 2006)

2005_5 Kopffüssler / HeadFoot

2005_9 Bas Relief Kopf (Weide) / Bas Relief Head (willow) (--> Mechthild J., Bochum)

2005_10 Hockender / Squatter


2006_1 Querfrosch / Frog across

2006_2 Gehörn eines selbstgeschossenen Bocks / Horn of a roe

2006_3 Tänzer / Dancer (robinia)

2006_6 Knilch (Robinie) / Lad (Robinia) (80 hours of hard labour ...)

Unless stated otherwise, the authorship rights to all figures and photos are with E. Träbert

Move back to Wooden heads and things produced in the preceding five years, 1997 to 2001)

Move on to Wooden heads and things produced in the years 2007 to 2011)

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Updated: 27 Apr 2017